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478 results

  • Your views on Norfolk Fire and Rescue's draft IRMP 2020-23

    By law, Norfolk's Fire and Rescue Service has to produce an Integrated Risk Management Plan, or IRMP for short. This sets out how we will achieve our goals of improving public safety, reducing the number of emergency incidents and saving lives. We have developed a draft plan for 2020-2023. In it we set out the changes we predict in community risks and how we plan to deal with these. National incidents such as Grenfell Tower have changed the context our service... More
    Closed 10 December 2019
  • Budget consultation 2020/21

    Norfolk County Council will set a new budget on 17 February 2020. In this consultation we are asking for your views on our proposed council tax level for 2020/21, including proposals for the adult social care precept. We also welcome any comments on our approach to budget savings or any of the individual proposals themselves. We will feed back your views into the budget setting process. More
    Closed 10 December 2019
  • School Term Dates for the school year 2021/2022 and 2022/2023

    Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own term dates. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk use the same term dates. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers. Home to school transport will be provided on the days the... More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • Re-use of Education Playing Field Land (Section 77) - Part of the Fakenham Old College Site, Wells Road, Fakenham

    Norfolk County Council proposes to re-use 22,240m squared (5.5 acres) of playing field on the Fakenham Old College Site, Wells Road, Fakenham, NR21 9H under Section 77 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998. Before we can re-use this playing field it will be necessary for Norfolk County Council to apply for written consent from the Secretary of State. It is only at that point that we may be able to change the use of this land. Should approval be given by the Secretary of... More
    Closed 23 January 2020
  • Proposals to open and expand Specialist Resource Bases for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities

    UPDATE On 8 April 2020, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services, agreed that the following proposals should be implemented from 1 September 2020: Caister Infant & Nursery (Community) School and Caister Junior (Community) School, Kingston Avenue, Caister on Sea, Great Yarmouth NR6 6QA – to establish a 16 place Social, Emotional and Mental Health Specialist Resource Base, located on the school site. Drake Primary... More
    Closed 4 February 2020
  • Norfolk County Council Local Transport Plan 2020-2036

    We want your views on the key areas we are focusing on for our next Local Transport Plan. The current Local Transport Plan for Norfolk was agreed in 2011. Since that time there have been many changes to the way that people travel, and how much. Technology has meant that we are now increasingly able to live our lives without the need to travel, for example using online resources such as internet shopping. The way we travel is also changing, with more information and more technology being... More
    Closed 28 February 2020
  • The Greater Norwich Local Plan - Growing Stronger Communities Together

    In 2018 you helped us identify sites for development. We now need your help to finalise our strategy and choice of sites. Through your support we aim to produce a plan to meet local housing and economic growth needs, whilst protecting and enhancing the environment. More
    Closed 16 March 2020
  • Have your say on our plans for a new recycling centre for South Norwich

    Our plans for a new recycling centre in south Norwich to replace Ketteringham are now available for people to look at and feed back their thoughts. More
    Closed 30 March 2020
  • Recycling centre customer satisfaction survey 2020

    Norfolk County Council provides a network of 20 Recycling Centres. Last year they handled over 51,000 tonnes of household waste of which over 74% was recycled, avoiding waste treatment and disposal costs. To help us continue to provide an efficient and value for money service in the coming years, we want to find out your views about the Recycling Centres that you use. Even if you don’t use them, we want to hear from you so that we can understand why. Please take part in our... More
    Closed 31 March 2020
  • Sedgeford (Community) Primary School

    Update On 9 July 2020, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services agreed that the following proposal should be implemented: to close Sedgeford (Community) Primary School, Ringstead Road, Sedgeford, Norfolk, PE36 5NQ and to change the catchment area of Sedgeford, from 31 August 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The proposal is to close Sedgeford... More
    Closed 13 May 2020
  • Caister Infant (Community) School and Nursery

    Update On 22 July 2020, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services agreed that the following proposal should be implemented: to change the age range of Caister Infant School & Nursery from 1 September 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consultation on proposed change of age range at Caister Infant (Community) School & Nursery,... More
    Closed 22 May 2020
  • John Grant School - Consultation on increase in SEND places

    Update On 22 July 2020, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services agreed that the following proposal should be implemented: to increase the number of places by 30 pupils at John Grant School, Caister-on-sea from 1 September 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Consultation on a proposal to increase the number of pupils with Special Educational... More
    Closed 22 May 2020
  • Time and Tide Gallery redisplay

    The Time and Tide is looking to the future! To ensure that the museum continues to reflect the important heritage and traditions of the area we are thinking about refreshing some of our gallery spaces. We would love to hear what you might like to see and how you would like to see it. So, if you could spare five minutes to complete this short survey we would be most grateful. Your response is anonymous and will be processed according to Norfolk County Council's privacy policy. ... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • Have your say on temporary changes to Norwich city centre

    People can have their say on temporary changes to some Norwich streets, to support safe shopping and travel around the city. Norfolk County Council and Norwich City Council have proposed a series of measures to ensure social distancing when walking, with any surplus space then available for street café activity to help businesses recover. The councils have already deployed stencilled and temporary signs to encourage people to walk on the left hand side of the street.... More
    Closed 23 June 2020
  • Your ideas for a new library in Great Yarmouth

    Great Yarmouth Borough Council recently submitted a bid for £19.9m to help transform and revive Great Yarmouth town centre as a vibrant economic, cultural and community hub. At the heart of this transformation would be a brand new community library in the town centre. Our ambitious plans are set to transform the ground floor of the old Palmers department store in Great Yarmouth into a new state-of-the art library. Although we love our current library, we feel that moving it... More
    Closed 7 August 2020
  • Your ideas for a new community hub in King's Lynn

    The Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk, in partnerhsip with Norfolk County Council, recently submitted a bid for £21.6m in grant funding to the Future High Streets Fund to help transform and revive King's Lynn town centre. At the heart of this transformation would be a brand new community hub in the town centre. Which would house a new state-of-the-art library for the town along with a range of other services. Although we love our current library, we feel... More
    Closed 7 September 2020
  • Norwich Western Link - Local Access Consultation

    Creating a Norwich Western Link to connect the western end of Broadland Northway (formerly the Northern Distributor Road) to the A47 is one of Norfolk County Council’s top infrastructure priorities. Since before Broadland Northway fully opened in spring 2018, there have been calls to fill in what many people saw as the ‘missing link’ between where the new dual carriageway road ends at the A1067 Fakenham Road and the A47. This consultation will focus on local... More
    Closed 20 September 2020
  • Norfolk County Council Local Transport Plan 4 (2020- 2036)

    We want your views on the draft of our next Local Transport Plan and the policies we have included. The current Local Transport Plan for Norfolk was agreed in 2011. Since that time there have been many changes to the way that people travel, and how much. Technology has meant that we are now increasingly able to live our lives without the need to travel, for example using online resources such as internet shopping. The way we travel is also changing, with more information and more... More
    Closed 9 November 2020
  • Local Flood Risk Management Review

    It has been 5 years since the adoption of our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and the legislative landscape has changed. With the publication of the revised National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England, our Strategy needed to be updated to remain consistent and relevant. We have reviewed the existing policies in the LFRMS against new and emerging national strategies and policies. This resulted in the proposal of 3 new policies and minor amendments... More
    Closed 4 December 2020
  • Budget consultation 2021/22

    Norfolk County Council will set a new budget on 22 February 2021. In this consultation we are asking for your views on our proposed council tax level for 2021-22, including a proposal for the adult social care precept. We also welcome any comments on our approach to budget savings and any of the individual proposals themselves. We will feed back your views into the budget setting process. More
    Closed 14 December 2020
  • Churchill Park Academy - Move 6th form to a satellite site & increase the number of pupil places

    KWEST and Churchill Park Academy would like to hear your views on their exciting plans at Churchill Park Academy. They are proposing; to move their 6 th form from their Churchill Park site to Fairstead Community Centre site, from 1 June 2021 to increase the number of pupils with Special Education Needs or Disabilities, by adding 20 places from 1 September 2021. More
    Closed 14 January 2021
  • Your views on proposed changes to St Stephens Road, Norwich

    St Stephens Road, Norwich Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to improve the St Stephens Road area so that more people choose to walk and cycle. More
    Closed 10 February 2021
  • Your views on proposed changes to King Street, Norwich

    King Street Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on revised proposals to improve the King Street area for pedestrians and cyclists. In March last year, we carried out an initial consultation on a proposal to convert King Street to one-way from its junction with Rouen Road to Music House Lane and to provide a southbound contraflow cycle lane. After reviewing the consultation feedback, we have removed these elements and are... More
    Closed 10 February 2021
  • Your views on proposed changes to South Park Avenue, Norwich

    South Park Avenue Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to install a new zebra crossing and widen the carriageway along South Park Avenue. The project aims to deliver improvements for public transport and pedestrians in the area. More
    Closed 10 February 2021
  • Your views on proposed changes to Cromer Road/Aylsham Road, Norwich

    Cromer Road/Aylsham Road Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to introduce new sections of bus lane along Cromer Road and Aylsham Road. More
    Closed 3 March 2021
  • Norfolk Rural Strategy 2021-2024 Survey

    We need your help to shape the next edition of the Norfolk Rural Strategy! The Norfolk Rural Strategy was produced in 2013, on behalf of an extensive public-private partnership, with a steering group supported by Norfolk County Council. It is refreshed every 3 years and we are asking for your ideas to address the challenges and opportunities Rural Norfolk faces today. The principles underpinning the Strategy are to: Be ambitious for... More
    Closed 19 March 2021
  • Millfield Primary School - expand Specialist Resource Base

    Update On 3 June 2021, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services agreed that the following proposal should be implemented: To increase the number of pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at Millfield Primary School's SRB by adding 6 places from 1 September 2021. This will make it a 16 place SRB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Norfolk County Council, would like to... More
    Closed 26 March 2021
  • Harford Manor - increase pupil places

    Update On 3 June 2021, in her role as Decision Maker, Sara Tough, the Executive Director of Children's Services agreed that the following proposal should be implemented: To increase the number of places by 10 pupils with Complex Needs at Harford Manor School from 1 September 2021. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We t he Governors, would like to hear your views on our exciting plans at... More
    Closed 26 March 2021
  • Your views on our proposed changes to St Williams Way, Norwich

    Norfolk County Council is putting forward proposals for highway changes to St Williams Way in Norwich Bearing in mind changes in people’s travel habits during the global pandemic, this is an opportune time to encourage more people to walk or cycle, reduce congestion on our roads and deliver a wide range of health and environmental benefits to residents. Safety concerns have been highlighted for a number of years, that parking within the existing advisory cycle lanes on St... More
    Closed 28 March 2021
  • Your views on proposed changes to the Norwich Train Station area

    Norwich Train Station area Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposed changes to the train station area of the city. The aims of the scheme are to improve bus journey times as well as facilities for those walking and cycling through the area. More
    Closed 28 March 2021
478 results. Page 4 of 16