Your views on the proposals for Market Gates, Great Yarmouth

Closed 16 Jun 2024

Opened 20 May 2024


Consultation on proposals for Market Gates, Great Yarmouth

Norfolk County Council is asking for feedback on proposed changes to the Market Gates bus interchange and surrounding area.

The Department for Transport (DfT) has awarded the county council nearly £50m of funding for its Bus Service Improvement Plan, aimed at improving bus services and infrastructure facilities across the county. The plan includes measures such as integrated travel hubs, new and more frequent services and bus priority infrastructure schemes such as this project along Market Gates. You can read more about our work on the Bus Service Improvement Plan by visiting

The documents below detail exactly what we’re proposing and why and the accompanying plan shows what the project could look like on the ground.

After reviewing the proposals please answer the questions in the online survey on the following page.

If you would like this consultation in an alternative format or language please email 

What happens next

The deadline for comments is Sunday 16th June and we will carefully consider all responses ahead of advertisement of the formal Traffic Regulation Orders needed to deliver the project. This will be done in consultation with the local county council member and cabinet member, as appropriate.

The project web page will be kept up to date with the latest information.


  • Great Yarmouth


  • Anyone from any background


  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Environment
  • Traffic and transportation