Your views on a new recycling centre for Norwich

Closed 27 Jul 2018

Opened 8 Jun 2018

Feedback updated 27 Mar 2019

We asked

What you would like to see at the new recycling centre to replace the current Mile Cross site from 2021.

You said

We received 884 responses and you thought it was important a new site included plenty of parking, bins that were at a lower level and provision of a reuse shop.

We did

We are now moving into the design phase for a site at our preferred location and will be looking to incorporate feedback from the consultation.

Results updated 27 Mar 2019



We need a new household waste recycling centre for Norwich by 2021 and want your ideas on the types of services you'd like to see.

Why your views matter

Our contract expires with Mile Cross Recycling Centre in 2021. As the site is not owned by the County Council we need to find a new recycling centre.

We'd like to see a new site that makes reuse and recycling easy for residents and improves how much waste is reused or recycled in Norfolk.

We'd therefore like your early thoughts and ideas on the services you'd expect to see in a new site to help us shape our design and make decisions about a future site. We'll be carrying out further consultation once we secure a preferred site and start work on the design.


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