Consultation of proposed changes to the English Language Support Service (ELSS)

Closed 1 Mar 2013

Opened 7 Dec 2012

Results updated 3 Jun 2013

The 'ELSS consultation findings' document sets out what we wanted to find out, how we asked people for their views and what they told us.

The 'ELSS consultation feedback' document is a summary of what we asked people, what you said and what we have done.





Norfolk County Council is proposing to change the way that the English Language Support Services operates.  We want to make changes to the service to ensure that all children and young people who have English as an additional language are supported to do well at school, and to make sure that the service is financially secure.  We are proposing a new way of working that places a much greater emphasis on training and supporting school staff, building their capacity and helping them to raise and sustain standards themselves.  We want to understand what schools think of our proposals.

What happens next


In making its decision about these proposals, the Children’s Services Leadership Team will take into account:

  • The impact of any proposal on individuals or particular groups or communities and in particular on groups identified as having 'protected characteristics' under the Equalities Act
  • The views of people consulted about the proposal
  • The evidence of need and what is proven to work effectively and wel
  • Any financial constraints
  • Any potential alternative models or ideas for making the savings.

We will report back your views to the Children’s Services Leadership Team at their meeting in March 2013.


  • All Areas


  • Children
  • Expert stakeholders
  • Parents and carers and guardians
  • Schools


  • Children and young people
  • Race issues
  • Education and early years