478 results
Your views on proposed changes to the Grapes Hill roundabout area
Grapes Hill roundabout area, Norwich Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposed changes to the Grapes Hill roundabout area. The aims of the scheme are to provide quicker and more reliable journeys for bus passengers through this junction and to improve pedestrian and cycle facilities in the area. MoreClosed 28 March 2021 -
Your views on new bike share bays in Norwich
The Beryl bike share scheme which launches March 2020 will introduce a publicly available bike sharing scheme across the Greater Norwich area including the implementation of around 70 dedicated bike bays. Four of these bays are located on a road which means that traffic regulation orders need to be in place. These bays will be located on Gloucester Street, St Benedicts Street, Upper St Giles and Unthank Road. You can see their exact locations on the maps below. In this... MoreClosed 31 March 2021 -
Shaping Norfolk’s Recycling Centres: customer satisfaction survey 2021 Results
Norfolk County Council provides a network of 20 Recycling Centres. Last year they handled over 58,000 tonnes of waste of which over 75% was recycled, avoiding waste treatment and disposal costs. We ran a survey between February and March 2021 to find out out Norfolk residents views about the Recycling Centres. You can find out more information about Norfolk’s Recycling Centres here . For more information about your household waste and recycling collection service please contact... MoreClosed 31 March 2021 -
Supporting voluntary, community and social enterprise groups in Norfolk
We want to hear what support voluntary and community groups need over the next three years to help them in their vital role of supporting Norfolk residents. We will use this feedback to help us shape the help, advice and support offered to groups and organisations to help them thrive. MoreClosed 16 April 2021 -
Improvement to Hempton Roundabout - Hempton Green Road (B1146) / Dereham Road (C550)
We are proposing to improve the existing Hempton Green Road (B1146) / Dereham Road (C550) junction at Hempton, near Fakenham, by replacing the current crossroads with a new roundabout, and new and improved paths and crossings for pedestrians. The aim of the scheme is to help improve safety and reduce congestion at this location which has seen a number of road collisions in recent years. In the recent 5 year period (2016 – 2020), there have been three collisions documented as... MoreClosed 6 June 2021 -
Your views on revised proposals for the St Stephens Road area, Norwich
St Stephens Road area, Norwich Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on updated proposals to improve the St Stephens Road area so that more people choose to walk and cycle. We carried out a consultation on initial proposals at the beginning of the year and have used the feedback received to revise our plans. MoreClosed 8 June 2021 -
Your views on proposed expansion of Thickthorn Park and Ride, Norwich
Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to extend the Thickthorn Park and Ride site. The aim of the project is to reduce congestion in and around Norwich city centre, and on the A11 in particular, by providing more parking spaces. What’s being proposed The proposals would deliver an extension of the current Park & Ride site, providing an additional 389 standard parking bays. The expansion would also provide: ... MoreClosed 13 June 2021 -
Chance to help shape Norwich cycling and walking route plans
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Norwich Survey Norfolk County Council are working in partnership with Norwich City Council , Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council to develop a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for the Greater Norwich region. The objective of the plan is to identify and prioritise improvements which can be made to the active travel (cycling & walking) network over the short, medium and long term. ... MoreClosed 28 June 2021 -
Community Safety Strategic Plan Consultation
The Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership (NCCSP) brings together organisations from across Norfolk to tackle crime and disorder, and ensure the county remains a safe place for people to live, work and visit. The partnership is currently supported by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN) and chaired by its Chief Executive. The members of the NCCSP represent local councils, policing and fire services, probation, youth offending, health and... MoreClosed 16 July 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to the Exchange Street area, Norwich
Exchange Street area, Norwich The proposed changes for Exchange Street and parts of the surrounding road network are designed to help us achieve the aims of making it safer and easier to get around on foot or by bike, supporting opportunities for outdoor hospitality, boosting the local economy and improving air quality. We're asking for feedback on these proposals as part of our wider 'Connecting the Norwich Lanes' consultation - a series of measures that aim to make it safer... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Connecting the Norwich Lanes - your views on proposed changes to the area
Connecting the Norwich Lanes – have your say We want your views on changes to how the Norwich Lanes area functions and feels. The Transport for Norwich partnership is proposing to do this through a series of projects, which aim to: Make it safer and easier to get around on foot or by bike Support outdoor hospitality and boost the local economy Improve air quality A range of inter-connected schemes makes up the overall vision for the... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to the St Andrews Street/Duke Street area, Norwich
St Andrews Street/Duke Street area, Norwich This project was part of our Transforming Cities bid of sustainable transport infrastructure changes in Greater Norwich, which was agreed by the county council’s Cabinet last year. As we deliver these projects, we are carrying out a series of public consultations to help identify any issues for consideration when finalising the plans we put forward for construction. We're asking for feedback on these proposals as part of our wider... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to St Benedicts Street, Norwich
St Benedicts Street Some of the proposals for St Benedicts Street are to retain temporary measures put in place last year, while others are new features being put forward to address the feedback we’ve received. We're asking for feedback on these proposals as part of our wider 'Connecting the Norwich Lanes' consultation - a series of measures that aim to make it safer and easier to get around on foot or by bike, support opportunities for outdoor hospitality, boost the local economy... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to the St Giles Street area, Norwich
St Giles Street area Proposals for St Giles and Upper St Giles Street are designed to create a much more pleasant place for those moving around the area on foot. Currently, both have a lot of road space with narrow pavements so these projects look to redress the balance and, in doing so, encourage people to take their time to explore local shops and cafes, helping to boost income for the businesses there. We're asking for feedback on these proposals as part of our wider 'Connecting the... MoreClosed 9 August 2021 -
Shipdham, Chapel Street Zebra Pedestrian Crossing Notice 2021 : PR3891 - DPS 71588
Shipdham, Chapel Street Zebra Pedestrian Crossing Notice 2021 - see link to notice below. For background information please call Mr Bimal Ranjit, telephone 01603 228939 or 0344 800 8020. MoreClosed 24 August 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to the Ipswich Road area, Norwich
Active Travel: Ipswich Road, Norwich The proposed changes for Ipswich Road and surrounding streets aim to make it safer and easier to get around on foot or by bike; encouraging more people to walk or cycle, reduce congestion on our roads and deliver a wide range of health and environmental benefits to residents. After reviewing the plan and accompanying letter please answer the questions on the following page. MoreClosed 12 September 2021 -
Proposed Transport for Norwich Strategy
Our proposed Transport for Norwich strategy provides the focus for setting out a shared vision for the future of transport in the wider Norwich area. This consultation will be an opportunity for anyone interested in this strategy to share their views on what Norfolk County Council is putting forward and to suggest other ways in which we could shape the future of transport in the area. This questionnaire is open to all Norfolk residents however we are seeking views... MoreClosed 8 October 2021 -
Your views on proposed changes to the Boundary Road area, Norwich
Transport for Norwich: Boundary Road Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposed changes on Boundary Road. The aim of this scheme is to improve crossing facilities on the outer ring road to make it safer and easier for those walking and cycling in the area. . After reviewing the plans and accompanying letter please answer the questions on the following page. MoreClosed 10 October 2021 -
Changing Places facilities in Norfolk
Changing Places are designed for people who cannot, or find it difficult, to use a standard accessible toilet. The government has £30 million available to district councils to establish more Changing Places across the UK. The focus of this grant is for new Changing Places in existing buildings. Norfolk County Council isn’t eligible to apply for this grant, but we have committed £600,000 to establish up to eight facilities in our own properties, such as some of our... MoreClosed 15 October 2021 -
The Clare School, Norwich - increase pupil places
We the Governors, would like to hear your views on our exciting plans at The Clare School. We are proposing; to increase the number of pupils with complex needs, to 120, by adding 15 places from 1 January 2022. We are committed to expanding our successful provision, for the needs of our current pupils and to meet demand for future pupils. Currently there is an increased need to provide places for children and young people with complex needs in this area of Norfolk. ... MoreClosed 22 October 2021 -
Playing Fields at Former Fakenham 6th Form site - Section 77 consultation
Norfolk County Council wishes to dispose of some 2.15 hectares of land at the former Fakenham Academy 6 th Form Site, Wells Road, Fakenham, NR21 9HP. The land comprises of mixed landscaped and historic hard play areas in the vicinity of the former school buildings. The sixth form has moved into new purpose-built premises on the main Fakenham Academy site and returned the former sixth form site to Norfolk County Council. Some of the site has been redeveloped... MoreClosed 18 November 2021 -
Connecting the Norwich Lanes - your views on proposed new loading and access times
Connecting the Norwich Lanes - consultation on new city centre loading and access times In July this year, Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership carried out a consultation on a series of proposals called Connecting the Norwich Lanes. These measures were designed to change how the Norwich Lanes area functions and feels by: Making it safer and easier to get around on foot or by bike Supporting outdoor hospitality and... MoreClosed 22 November 2021 -
Your views on a proposed transport hub at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to create a transport ‘mobility hub’ at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH). The aim of the project is to provide a new bus interchange close to the outpatients entrance that increases the capacity for buses, resolves congestion and reduces conflict with vulnerable users of the disabled car parking area. In addition, there is a proposal to introduce a bike share... MoreClosed 5 December 2021 -
School term dates for the school year 2023-2024
Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own term dates. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk use the same term dates. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers. Home to school transport will be provided on the days the school is open... MoreClosed 17 December 2021 -
Reviewing website
In Norfolk, the public sector organisations are working together to promote the job opportunities in our sector to young people. This includes the county council, district councils, police and NHS. We are looking to set up a similar website to the Rising High in Suffolk website. Before we do this, we would like to hear from you about your views on this site. Please could you look at the website and answer a few questions. Your views will be anonymous. To view the website... MoreClosed 22 December 2021 -
Budget Consultation 2022-23
Norfolk County Council will set a new budget on 21 February 2022. In this consultation we are asking for your views on our proposed council tax level for 2022-23, including a proposal for the adult social care precept. We also welcome any comments on our approach to budget savings and any of the individual proposals themselves. We will feed back your views into the budget setting process. You can download an Easy Read version of this consultation at the... MoreClosed 30 December 2021 -
Your Views on Norfolk County Council's Enhanced Partnership with Local Bus Operators
In October 2021 Norfolk County Council (NCC) published its Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) with the overall aim of increasing the number of journeys made by public transport in Norfolk and creating an environment where the bus plays its full role in our community’s journey to a Carbon Net Zero future. In line with guidance (see the first pdf below) Norfolk County Council aims to deliver the Bus Service Improvement Plan by forming an Enhanced Partnership (EP) with... MoreClosed 23 January 2022 -
Your views on proposed changes to Kett's Hill roundabout, Norwich
Kett's Hill roundabout, Norwich Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposed changes to the Kett’s Hill roundabout area. The aim of this scheme is to improve bus links by making journeys quicker and more reliable for bus passengers and to reduce carbon emissions by encouraging greater use of public transport, walking and cycling. MoreClosed 28 January 2022 -
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board
Public Questionnaire on Local Pharmacies/Chemists Tell us what you think of pharmacy services in Norfolk We want to hear what you think of community pharmacy (or local chemists) services in Norfolk. Everybody’s views are important to ensure the pharmacy services in Norfolk meet your needs. Your views will help us to develop future pharmacy services and how these are accessed. The information you give us will enable us to: ● check whether our services are accessible to everyone... MoreClosed 4 March 2022 -
Playing Field Disposal at former Hethersett Woodside Infant & Nursery School Site - Section 77 Consultation
Norfolk County Council wishes to dispose of the school playing fields at the former Hethersett Woodside Infant and Nursery School, Firs Road, Hethersett, Norfolk NR9 3EQ. The former school site has an overall area of some 0.78 hectares of which 0.53 hectares are classed as playing field land. Hethersett Woodside Infant & Nursery School has relocated to Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norfolk NR9 3JL and is now called Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School. ... MoreClosed 16 March 2022
478 results.
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