Consultation Hub

Welcome to Norfolk County Council's Consultation Finder. This site will help you find and take part in consultations that interest you.

Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

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Please note: This webpage cannot be used for property information searches as not all traffic and road schemes are subject to consultation. For a certified Law Society CON29 reply of all NCC held information (including all highways data), please visit our Land Charges webpage

Featured consultations

  • Your views on changes to Adult Social Care Charging Policy – Charging an arrangement fee for people who self-fund their social care

    The Council faces difficult decisions to deliver on its ambitions for the people of Norfolk against a difficult economic climate and more than a decade of reduced funding. Each year, the Council reviews its budget and proposes the savings it will need to make for the following year to balance its budget. We conducted our annual budget and council tax consultation for 2024/25 between October and December 2023. However, the Government’s autumn statement and provisional...

    Closed 17 May 2024

  • Your views on our proposal to change our Adult Social Care non-residential care charging policy

    The Council faces difficult decisions to deliver on its ambitions for the people of Norfolk against a difficult economic climate and more than a decade of reduced funding. Each year, the Council reviews its budget and proposes the savings it will need to make for the following year to balance its budget. We carried out our annual budget and council tax consultation for 2024/25 between October and December 2023. However, the Government’s autumn statement and provisional...

    Closed 17 May 2024

Open Consultations

  • The Borough Council of Great Yarmouth (Variation in Car Parks Fees and Charges) Notice 2025

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Borough Council of Great Yarmouth, in exercise of its powers under Section 35C of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling provisions is to vary the charges for Off Street Parking Places as detailed with current and proposed charges set out in the...

    Closes 1 April 2025

  • Long Stratton, Various Roads Proposed Traffic Orders 2025

    The Norfolk County Council propose to make the following Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984:- The Norfolk County Council (Long Stratton, C889 Ipswich Road, C889 Norwich Road and C889 Parkers Lane) (30 mph Speed Limit Zone) Order 2025 Any objections and representations...

    Closes 1 April 2025

  • Variation in On-Street Resident Parking Permit Charges Notice 2025

    The Norfolk County Council in exercise of its powers under Section 46A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and all other enabling powers hereby varies the charges for parking in on-street parking bays as specified below. The Notice of Variation shall come into effect for all purposes on the...

    Closes 1 April 2025

  • 26106136 The Norfolk County Council Little Melton, Various Roads Proposed Traffic Order and Road Humps Notice 2025

    The Norfolk County Council propose to make the following speed limit order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and give the following road hump notice: The Norfolk County Council (Little Melton, Various Roads) (20mph Speed Zone and 30mph Speed Limit) Order 2025 Copies may also be...

    Closes 1 April 2025

  • North Runcton, Proposed 30mph on New Road (27509205)

    The Norfolk County Council propose to make the above Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The effect of this Order will be to: 1. consolidate The Norfolk County Council (North Runcton) (30 m.p.h. Speed Limit) Order 1996 whereby the 30 mph speed limit on the existing lengths of...

    Closes 1 April 2025

Closed Consultations

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked for your comments on the proposed school term dates for 2026-27.

You said

We received 23 responses in total.  Please see the results section and the attached analysis in the consultation report.

We did

We have agreed the school term dates for 2026-27 and they are now published on Norfolk County Council's website.  Click here.

We asked

In October/ November 2024 we ran a public consultation about our plans to add a new bus lane and bus stops on Grimston Road as part of Norfolk County Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).

You said

Respondents to the consultation were generally in favour of the uncontrolled crossing and two new bus stops. The addition of pathways were well supported as good safety interventions.

The main objections raised to the scheme were:

  • The scheme was a waste of public funding
  • Concern over the proposed banned right hand turns
  • There was not enough improvement to warrant changes
  • The plans will cause more congestion to other road users or elsewhere on the highway.
  • People would prefer bus laybys/pull ins to bus lanes
  • An uncontrolled crossing would be unsafe

We did

All responses were read and analysed and fed back to our design team. On the main objections, the following responses were given.

Concern over the proposed banned right hand turns.

Following the consultation, it was agreed that the right turn out of the Knights Hill hotel will be not be removed and will remain in place.

The scheme was a waste of public funding.

This funding has been allocated to Norfolk directly from the Department for Transport and can only be spent on improvements to local bus services. If the project does not go ahead the money will likely be given back to Government as it is ringfenced and cannot be used to support other frontline council services or wider highway improvements. Specifically, the National Bus Strategy aims to improve bus journey times and reliability which will be achieved by this scheme.

There was not enough improvement to warrant changes

The proposed design achieves the overall objective of improving bus journey times and reliability at this location when measured against current and future traffic flows.

The plans will cause more congestion to other road users or elsewhere on the highway.

The bus lane is an additional and dedicated lane for buses using space from the adjacent grass verge. The new bus stops are off the main carriageway and therefore an improvement on the current layout. Therefore, the proposed design will improve bus journey times and reliability with minimal impact to general road users.

People would prefer bus laybys/pull ins to bus lanes

The inbound bus stop is a layby and the outbound stop is within the bus lane therefore not affecting the flow of general traffic.

An uncontrolled crossing would be unsafe

Currently there is no safe area to use the bus facility or cross the road. The design has been subject to a safety audit that did not raise any concerns.

Work on the scheme is scheduled to commence in autumn 2025, more details can be found at

We thank everyone who took the time to respond to the consultation.

We asked

We asked for your comments on the proposed school term dates for 2025 - 26

You said

We received 33 responses in total.  Please see the results section and the attached analysis in the consultation report.

We did

We have agreed the school term dates for 2025-26 and they are now published on Norfolk County Council's website.  Click here.