Compliance and Enforcement Policy Update

Closed 10 Mar 2025

Opened 27 Jan 2025


We're updating and simplifying our Compliance and Enforcement Policy (the Policy) and we're asking business and stakeholders for their feedback on the updates.

The Policy has been in operation since 2012 when it was introduced following a decision to extend the scope of the (then) Trading Standards Enforcement Policy, to cover a broader range of regulatory functions carried out by Norfolk County Council. It now includes the following services:

  • Flood and Water Management (land drainage)
  • Highways (networks, maintenance, and blue badge enforcement)
  • Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (fire safety)
  • Planning Enforcement (mineral and waste sites)
  • Trading Standards (including Safety of Sports Grounds)

Although each area of work uses different legislation to secure its aims, the Policy ensures that the Council is consistent, proportionate and transparent in its overall approach to enforcement. There is also a legal context to the deployment of enforcement powers. The Regulators’ Code seeks to provide a clear, flexible, and principles-based framework to which regulators should work, and requires our Policy to clearly set out the following requirements:

  • Our principles of inspection and enforcement
  • The enforcement actions available to us, and when they will be used
  • Details on how to make a complaint

Why your views matter

We last consulted on the Compliance and Enforcement Policy in 2018. Since then, the Policy has evolved to reflect changes to legislation and guidance.  

We want to know whether the Policy and associated guidance is clear and that businesses and other stakeholders understand it. We also want your feedback on how well the Policy captures the requirements we need to include as part of the Regulators’ Code. And finally, we would welcome any further comments you wish to make on the Compliance and Enforcement Policy.

We will consider the feedback ahead of providing a final report to Members of the County Council's Cabinet in Spring/Summer 2025, with a view to full implementation of the revised Policy during Summer 2025.


  • All Areas


  • Businesses
  • Community groups and organisations
  • Town and Parish Councils
  • District councils


  • Crime and community safety