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444 results

  • Your views on reducing how much we spend on non-safety critical highway maintenance

    Norfolk County Council plays a huge part in people’s lives – ensuring children and young people have the best start in life, protecting vulnerable people, maintaining a safe road system and helping to create a thriving economy. We’ll continue to spend over a billion pounds every year providing public services that you, your family and friends use every day. Norfolk is facing some big challenges though. Our population is growing, people are generally living longer and the type of... More
    Closed 2 January 2018
  • Your views on reducing the number of roads we grit in winter

    Norfolk County Council plays a huge part in people’s lives – ensuring children and young people have the best start in life, protecting vulnerable people, maintaining a safe road system and helping to create a thriving economy. We’ll continue to spend over a billion pounds every year providing public services that you, your family and friends use every day. Norfolk is facing some big challenges though. Our population is growing, people are generally living longer and the type of... More
    Closed 2 January 2018
  • Your views on our proposal to change the way we work out how much people pay towards the cost of their non-residential care services

    Norfolk County Council plays a huge part in people’s lives – ensuring children and young people have the best start in life, protecting vulnerable people, maintaining a safe road system and helping to create a thriving economy. We’ll continue to spend over a billion pounds every year providing public services that you, your family and friends use every day. Norfolk is facing some big challenges though. Our population is growing, people are generally living longer and the type of... More
    Closed 2 January 2018
  • School Term Dates for the School Year 2019/20

    Norfolk County Council remains responsible for setting term and holiday dates for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, while Governing Bodies of Foundation, Voluntary Aided School and Academies are resonsible for setting their own term dates. In practice most of the schools in Norfolk adopt a single calendar. The Regional Term Dates Group, which met earlier this term, continues to share the view that a coordinated approach to minimise impact on families and transport is... More
    Closed 15 December 2017
  • St Michael's CE VA Nursery and Infant School Aylsham

    The Governing Body of St. Michael’s Church of England, Voluntary Aided, Nursery and Infant School, Aylsham issued a formal public notice on 28 th September 2017, to change the age range to admit pupils from 4 up to the age of 11 years, to become an all through primary school, with a published admission number of 20. This consultation closed on 20th October 2017. The Executive Director of Children’s Services in her role as Decision-Maker, on 12th December 2017, approved this... More
    Closed 20 October 2017
  • Consultation on the future of Priorsmead Care Home

    Norse Care is Norfolk’s largest care home provider, managing residential care homes and housing with care schemes across the county. Norse Care is owned by Norfolk County Council. Norfolk County Council and Norse Care are currently operating in a particularly challenging financial environment. We are both faced with rising costs, such as the national living wage, and we are affected by the reductions in public spending. So Norse Care has recently reviewed the costs of its 19... More
    Closed 18 October 2017
  • North Yarmouth schools reorganisation - statutory public notice and decision

    School Organisation in North Yarmouth Part 1 : Proposal to close Alderman Swindell Primary School Notice is given in accordance with section 15(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DL intends to discontinue Alderman Swindell Primary School, Beresford Road, Great Yarmouth, NR30 4AB on 31 August 2018. Pupils currently attending Alderman Swindell Primary School will automatically have a place at North Denes... More
    Closed 6 October 2017
  • Hethersett schools reorganisation - statutory public notice and decision

    School Organisation in Hethersett Part 1: Proposal to change the age range of Hethersett Woodside Infant and Nursery School to admit pupils from 2 up to the age of 11, and relocate the school to a new site within the strategic housing development, north of Hethersett. Notice is given in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Norfolk County Council, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DL, intends to make a prescribed alteration to change the age range of... More
    Closed 6 October 2017
  • Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing - Stage 2 (Scheme development consultation)

    Earlier in 2017 we asked for views on congestion in Great Yarmouth and whether people supported proposals for a Third River Crossing. The key findings were: Congestion in Great Yarmouth is a serious issue The Third River Crossing would make journeys faster Congestion would be reduced by the new crossing The proposed bridge would link the newly-renumbered A47 (formerly A12) at the Harfreys roundabout in the Southtown area of Yarmouth to the port and the... More
    Closed 6 October 2017
  • Support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities

    We have produced some draft guidance about the support we expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with their education and training. The draft guidance is for schools, pre-schools, nurseries, colleges, sixth-forms and other providers of education and training. We want to provide clarity for children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers, about the support they can expect with their education and... More
    Closed 29 September 2017
  • Norfolk Strategic Framework

    Working together as part of the duty to co-operate all of the Norfolk Planning Authorities, together with others, have prepared a strategic framework document. We are now publishing the first draft of the framework for consultation. The Norfolk Strategic Framework covers the whole of the County and aims to provide high level strategic guidance to inform the next round of Local Plans which are being prepared by each of the Planning Authorities in the County. The document is not a formal... More
    Closed 22 September 2017
  • Transport for Attleborough

    The potential schemes presented in this consultation make up the Transport for Attleborough project which was successfully awarded £4.5m funding to support the planned growth within Attleborough. The key aim of this project is to improve all forms of transport within Attleborough which will help the town grow as smoothly and successfully as possible. The proposals aim to resolve some of the current problems with the road and transport networks, help people get into and around the town... More
    Closed 13 August 2017
  • School Organisation in Hethersett

    Planning for growth in Hethersett Changes to the way the primary schools are organised. Norfolk County Council has a duty to ensure a sufficient supply of school places to respond to housing growth and other demographic changes. We are responding to the major housing allocation of 1200 dwellings in Hethersett by proposing a major change to the way the primary phase of schooling is organised in the area. At the heart of this proposal is a brand-new school building in the new development... More
    Closed 21 July 2017
  • School Organisation in North Yarmouth

    School Organisation in Great Yarmouth affecting Alderman Swindell Primary School and North Denes Primary School In 2015 all schools in Great Yarmouth were reorganised to become all-through primary schools. The County Council is undertaking a second stage of organisational review in North Yarmouth to ensure that we are making better use of existing buildings and to consider how we can improve them in the most cost-effective way. There are a number of aspects that the County Council as... More
    Closed 21 July 2017
  • Browick Road Primary School, Wymondham - statutory public notice - change of age range

    Statutory proposal to change the age range of Browick Road Primary School in Wymondham for pupils aged 2 - 11 from 1 September 2017 From September 2017 a merger with Busy Bees Playgroup is proposed, thereby lowering the school's age range to admit 2 year olds. As part of this merger, the school will take on the management of the playgroup and will be known as Browick Road Primary & Nursery School. This will make the schools age range 2 - 11 years, rather than the current 4 - 11 years. ... More
    Closed 7 July 2017
  • Browick Road Primary School, Wymondham - Consultation on a change of age range

    Proposal to change the age range to allow for places for Under 4's at Browick Road Primary School in Wymondham from 1 September 2017 Norfolk County Council supports the Governing Bodies wish to change the age range of Browick Road Primary School, but we need to hear your views before a final decision is made. Currently the school takes children into the Reception Class at the start of the school year after their fourth birthday. All younger children attend Busy Bees Playgroup or... More
    Closed 26 May 2017
  • School organisation in North Lynn - initial consultation

    Consultation on school changes in North Lynn Norfolk County Council has a duty to ensure a sufficent supply of school places to respond to housing growth and other demographic changes. Within the North Lynn area, 311 new homes have planning permission, with a further 142 new houses planned. We are expecting approximately 120 extra primary school children from all these houses. The proposals we are consulting you on are to make sure that there is a sound base of school organisation and... More
    Closed 20 March 2017
  • Great Yarmouth Railway Links

    We want your views on our proposals to improve the route between the train station and marketplace in Great Yarmouth for pedestrians and cyclists. Our proposals include: • A more attractive and user-friendly layout to the train station forecourt; • A wide and continuous route for pedestrians and cyclists from the train station through to the marketplace via The Conge; • A new unsegregated cycle and pedestrian footway linking Acle New Road with Vauxhall... More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • Mulbarton schools reorganisation - statutory public notice

    Statutory proposal to amalgamate Mulbarton Infant School and Mulbarton Junior School into a single all-through primary school for pupils aged 4 - 11 from 1 September 2017 Since September 2013 Mulbarton Infant School and Mulbarton Junior School have been in a successful partnership. The Governing Bodies of both schools want to take the next step and legally combine into one single school. In order for this to happen, legal steps have to be taken and Norfolk County Council is now... More
    Closed 3 March 2017
  • Your views on our proposal to change the way we work out how much people pay towards the cost of their adult social care services

    We currently spend around £1m each day on adult social services and are planning to increase the overall amount we spend on adult social services in 2017/18. However, the demands on adult social care continue to change so even with the investment we are making in services we still have savings to find if we are to continue to meet people's care needs. Those who do receive support from the Council often need complex care packages, delivered in their own homes, to support and maintain... More
    Closed 9 February 2017
  • Your views on council tax

    Our government grant for 2017/18 had been calculated by the Government on the assumption that councils with responsibility for Adult Social Care, such as County Councils, will increase council tax by 2% to meet rising demand for social care, and a further inflationary amount (1.8% in 2017/18) for the increased costs of delivering services. We had reflected this in our own planning and so our proposals for 2017/18 were based on the assumption that council tax would increase overall by 3.8%.... More
    Closed 27 January 2017
  • Road Crossing Patrols

    It is the responsibility of parents and carers to make sure that their child gets to school. The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 allows us to put in place road crossing patrols to help pupils get to school safely. You might know road crossing patrol staff as ‘lollipop’ men and women. We currently fund and manage 96 road crossing patrols across Norfolk, at a cost of approximately £270,000. There is national guidance about running road crossing patrols, which includes criteria for... More
    Closed 8 January 2017
  • Building resilient lives: reshaping housing related support

    We currently spend around £1m each day on adult social services and are planning to increase the overall amount we spend on adult social services in 2017/18. However, the demands on adult social care continue to change so even with the investment we are making in services we still have savings to find if we are to continue to meet people's care needs. Those who do receive support from the Council often need complex care packages, delivered in their own homes, to support and maintain... More
    Closed 9 December 2016
  • Draft Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy

    The Norfolk Autism Partnership Board (APB) has developed a Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy, that is in response to the National Autism Strategy which aims to reflect the local need. The Norfolk All Age Autism Strategy sets out to increase awareness and understanding of autism by all organisations, staff and volunteers who work with, and provide services to, anyone with autism, including within the local community. In addition the APB want to ensure that the right support is given at the... More
    Closed 30 November 2016
  • Mulbarton schools reorganisation - initial consultation

    Proposal to amalgamate Mulbarton Infant School and Mulbarton Junior School into a single all-through primary school for pupils aged 4 - 11 from 1 September 2017 Since September 2013 Mulbarton Infant School and Mulbarton Junior School have been in a successful partnership. The Governing Bodies of both schools now wish to take the next step and legally combine into a single school. In order for this to happen, legal steps have to be taken. Norfolk County Council will publish: ... More
    Closed 22 November 2016
  • Attleborough schools reorganisation

    Planning for growth in Attleborough Changes to the way the primary schools are organised. Norfolk County Council has a duty to ensure a sufficient supply of school places to respond to housing growth and other demographic changes. A number of housing sites are under construction in Attleborough and others have planning consent. In the longer term there are plans to build some 4,000 houses in the town. The proposals we are consulting you on are to make sure that there is a sound base... More
    Closed 14 October 2016
  • King’s Head Meadow play area

    On Friday 12th August, Wymondham Town Council (WTC) accepted an offer from Norfolk County Council to help facilitate a process to seek the views of members of the community in Wymondham regarding the future of the Wymondham Playground at King’s Head Meadow (KHM) which was installed in August / September 2014. NCC have listened to as many voices as that want to be involved in the process and acknowledge each viewpoint as equally deserving as the other. NCC’s role in supporting this... More
    Closed 23 September 2016
  • Primary education in Gayton, King's Lynn

    Proposal to change the age range and expand Gayton Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School. What are we proposing? This Public Notice is being published jointly by the County Council and the Governing Body of the school, with the support of the Norwich Diocesan Board of Education. The proposal is connected with the proposed replacement of the current school building on a new site in the village. The new building will have a larger capacity than the current building and... More
    Closed 8 July 2016
  • Developing a Norfolk Youth Support Model

    Children’s Services spends approximately £1.6m on youth support programmes across Norfolk. This money is used to fund a variety of programmes and support, including: positive activities for young people at risk of coming into care support for young people at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) the youth advisory boards, which give young people a voice and influence over the services they receive and activities on offer for young... More
    Closed 15 May 2016
  • John Grant School, Caister

    Consultation on a proposal to expand the specialist education provided currently by John Grant School, Caister by creating a satellite class base for 6 pupils within the existing Shine Nursery in Great Yarmouth. John Grant School in Caister, Great Yarmouth caters for pupils with complex needs, including severe learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Judged ‘Good’ by Ofsted, it caters for students from the age of 3 to 19... More
    Closed 20 April 2016
444 results. Page 14 of 15