Norfolk's Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

Closed 24 Dec 2014

Opened 22 Oct 2014

Feedback updated 22 Mar 2016

We asked

What do you think of our draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for 2015-18?

You said

The draft assessment is an accurate reflection of pharmaceutical services in Norfolk. It also clearly sets out the current and future need for pharmaceutical services in the county.

We did

The Health and Wellbeing Board approved the final version of the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, which you can read here.


Since April 2013 every Health and Wellbeing Board in England has been responsible for publishing and updating a statement of the need for pharmaceutical services in its area. This is known as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, or PNA for short.

The aim of the assessment is to set out the current pharmaceutical services available in Norfolk, identify any gaps in services and make recommendations on future development.

In drafting the PNA we have used feedback from a survey that we carried out earlier this year which asked residents, pharmacy service providers and dispensing general practitioners in Norfolk about pharmaceutical services in the area.

Why your views matter

Feedback from the survey has been incorporated into this draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). We want to make sure that this document fully covers all of the issues you think are important before it’s approved by the Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Board early in 2015.

Please take a few minutes to complete the confidential questionnaire which is available to complete online or you can download a print version below. If you would like a freepost paper version of the questionnaire please contact us on the details to the right.

If you have any questions about the consultation, need help to take part, or you need a copy of the questionnaire in a different format, such as large print, or another language, please contact us.

The feedback from this consultation will influence any changes to be made to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment document before it goes to the Health and Wellbeing Board early in 2015 for approval, when it will become a working document.


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