Local Transport Plan 4, Implementation Plan

Closed 2 May 2022

Opened 21 Mar 2022


Norfolk County Council adopted its fourth Local Transport Plan Strategy in 2021. This covers the longer-term until 2036 and was developed taking available evidence into account and was the subject of consultation and appropriate appraisal and assessments. More information can be found here.

This Implementation Plan has been developed following adoption of the Local Transport Plan Strategy. When this Implementation Plan is adopted, it – together with the strategy – will form the local transport plan for the county (referred to here as LTP4) and will replace the previous local transport plan (LTP3). 

We have now created our draft Local Transport Implementation Plan, read below and we would like your views on this plan via this consultation. 

An Easy Read version of the consultation can be downloaded below.

Why we are consulting

Norfolk County Council is the Highways Authority and is responsible for maintenance and management of most public roads and rights of way in Norfolk (except the A47 and A11 which are the responsibility of National Highways, formerly Highways England). The county council has a major influence on provision of other transport services, such as public transport, but is not directly or solely responsible for bus services, ports, airports, rail services or waterways. The county council’s influence is exercised through working with partners, government, and operators to achieve the best outcomes through these other bodies where possible.

We want to find out what people think about our Local Transport Implementation Plan through:

- This online consultation, which is also available as a paper copy
- Emails to key partners and stakeholders

We are consulting from 21 March 2022 to 2 May 2022. Please note that if we receive any consultation responses after this date, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to take them into account.

If you need a copy of this consultation document in a different format please email haveyoursay@norfolk.gov.uk, call 0344 800 8020 or Text Relay on 18001 0344 800 8020 (textphone) and we will do our best to help.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Traffic and transportation