Disposal of the site of the former Blofield Primary School at North Street, Blofield

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Closes 16 Dec 2024


We would like to hear from as many different people as possible as your views help us to consider any concerns you may have. We will also use any personal information to understand how different groups of people feel about our proposal to dispose of the site of the former Blofield Primary School, North Street, Blofield, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4RH

We will process any personal information we receive from you in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the Data Protection Act 2018 and our data protection policy and guidelines the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and any legislation implemented in connection with the aforementioned legislation. Where data is processed by a controller or processor established in the European Union or comprises the data of people in the European Union, it also includes the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). This includes any replacement legislation coming into effect from time to time. This means that we will hold your personal data and only use it for the purpose for which it was collected, being this consultation.

1. Please tick to confirm that you have read the Personal information, confidentiality and data protection statement above.
2. How far do you agree or disagree with our proposal for the disposal of the Site of the former Blofield Primary School, North Street, Blofield, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4RH? Please select only one item
3. Why do you say this? Please write in below:
4. Are there any other comments or suggestions you would like to make to help us with this decision and in planning for the future provision of the children. Please write in the box below.
5. Please tell us who you are, (tick all that apply):
6. What is your postcode?